Hike with Sarah - 3/28/2020
In the midst of this COVID-19 shelter in place order, I decided to take Sarah for a hike in the nearby woods.
We headed east from the house and climbed to the top of the nearest hill. We didn’t follow any trail, but
rather we simply cut through the woods following the terrain to the top. It was a steep slope near the
crest. This was the first time Sarah had ever been here, but I have hiked up this hill many times when I was
a teen.

We found the nearby Wayne National Forest ATV trails which led us downhill. For the most part, the trails had
a more gentle slope down. Cawthorn Trail was the final leg that brought us back to Carbon Hill-Buchtel Road.

From here we followed the nearby railroad bed north to Mud Pond and hiked just a little ways past it. Then
we finally turned around and walked back home along the old train bed.
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