277 coasters and counting!
2024 is off to a great start with more coaster adventures. On May 12th I scored coasters number 374, 375 and 376
with Cyclone, All American Triple Loop, and Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain at indiana Beach. And
on July 8th, with help from Emma Steenrod, I earned my 377th credit riding Snoopy's Soap Box Racers at Kings Island.
Later this summer I plan to get at least one more with Top Thrill 2 at Cedar Point. And if I'm really lucky, perhaps
even more.
Stay tuned for updates on my travels and new coaster additions.

My top coasters ever...
#1 - Fury 325 - Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina
#2 - Millennium Force - Cedar Point - Sandusky, Ohio
#3 - Steel Vengeance - Cedar Point - Sandusky, Ohio
#4 - Bizarro - Six Flags New England - Agawam, Massachusetts
#5 - Behemoth - Canada's Wonderland - Toronto, Ontario
#6 - Diamondback - Kings Island - Mason, Ohio
#7 - Banshee - Kings Island - Mason, Ohio
#8 - Copperhead Strike - Carowinds - Charlotte, North Carolina
#9 - Top Thrill Dragster - Cedar Point - Sandusky, Ohio
#10 - Dominator - Geauga Lake - Aurora, Ohio
Best wooden coasters...
#1 - Boulder Bash - Lake Compounce - Bristol, Connecticut
#2 - Shivering Timbers - Michigan's Adventure - Muskegon, Michigan
#3 - Ravine Flyer II - Waldameer - Erie, Pennsylvania
#4 - The Beast - Kings Island - Mason, Ohio
#5 - Mystic Timbers - Kings Island - Mason, Ohio
Cedar Point
My first visit to the roller coaster capital of the world was in 1977. At that time, with just five coasters, CP didn't make
that claim. They were "The Amazement Park". I was there with my mom, step-dad Jeff and my brother Joey. Putting it
mildly, I wasn't a big coaster fan on that day. When looking back on that day, Jeff has a hard time believing that I have become
such a huge coaster fanatic. How things change!
Avalanche Run/Disaster Transport
I have ridden this coaster in both of it's incarnations. It's not the greatest coaster in the world, but I think it's better than
a lot of people give it credit for. I like it much better in it's latest theming. |
Blue Streak
The perfect woodie. Great airtime. A lot of wooden coasters are too big or have too many twists and turns. Not Blue
Steak. Perfect. |
Cedar Creek Mine Ride
Not the biggest, tallest or the fastest. But I always make sure I take a ride each time I visit CP. Every time ...going back
all the way to the 1970's. |
My first looping coaster. A must ride each time I return at Cedar Point. |
My first winged coaster. The inversion at the top of the lift and the keyholes are like nothing else. It is smooth and
forceful. You can feel the difference in the ride from right to left sides and from the front to back rows. |
I have always said that the first drop on Gemini is the best first hill of any coaster. And now over twenty years later I still
almost believe it. The seat belts that have been added take a bit away from it. Blue side is the best train to ride to get
the full effect of the "head-chopper". |
Iron Dragon
Not the mega ride it was intended to be. It has become a great family coaster. It's a great feeling swinging through the tree
tops. I especially like the high-G's through the mist. |
Jr. Gemini
For years I wasn't able to ride this kiddie coaster because I didn't have a kid to ride with me. Finally, in 2010 I rode with Xander
to get my credit. |
Magnum XL-200
Love it! Love it! I used to hate the bunny hops that make up all of the second half of the ride. As I ride Magnum more
and more I'm beginning to enjoy the entire ride much more. Hey CP ...can we loose the trim brakes? |
Just like Magnum, I love the first half of Mantis. The rest is a Headbanger's Ball. The only B&M that isn't just pure
perfection. |
Like nothing else I've ever ridden. Variety of elements and quick transitions. Maybe too quick. CP needs to re-time
the water cannons. I didn't get a drop on me. Not one. |
Mean Streak
I have a love/hate relationship with Mean Streak. If I'm in the mood to be beaten up, I love it. If not ...well you know the
rest. |
Millennium Force
Absolutely one of the best roller coasters on the planet! Love the first drop. The third hill has the best airtime. Lightning
fast, right up to the end. Love the magnetic brakes. Even the ride up the lift hill is thrilling. |
My first ride on this great inverted B&M was 1994, the year it opened. This was the first time I had ever seen or ridden an inverted
coaster. During my first ride, the train was stopped at the mid-course brake run for over ten minutes. When we finally returned
to the station we were allowed to get back into the front of the line and ride again. Two for one sale, I guess. |
This new coaster experience debuted in 2015 as Mantis was transformed from a standup coaster to a floorless coaster. The new floorless
trains with the original tracks give a great coaster ride. This is a much improved and new ride experience. |
Steel Vengeance
Really pushing the limits of what the human body can take. Countless changes in direction, while still a smooth track. The second
half does not let up one bit. What a complete transformation from Mean Streak. WOW! |
Top Thrill Dragster
What a rush! Seventeen seconds of WOW! I first rode Top Thrill Dragster when it had the original wheels, engine and
wing theming, back in the first half of 2003. |
A great dive coaster. Great big elements, a great view of the park, good G-forces and a good layout. More B&M fun. |
Wicked Twister
Great acceleration. Zero G's. Such short lines for such a great ride. |
Wild Mouse
This is a great modern update on the classic wild mouse coaster and the addition of spinning cars adds ever
more family fun. The colorful ride has names for each of the six cars with the seventh being cheese.
Ziggy, Zaggy, Mazey, Dizzy, Chase and Larry. And the cheese car has a special door that makes it ADA
accessible. |
This is a coaster that I first rode in the 1980's. But then I avoided it for years and years, thinking it was too small or too
boring. When I took Sarah to Cedar Point for the first time in May of 2006 and I fell in love all over again. Smooth. Fast
turns. Great dips. |
Woodstock Express
A surprisingly thrilling family coaster. I first rode this coaster in 2006 with Sarah. Be sure to watch for the brakes at the
end. |
Kings Island
In 1975 my dad took my brother Joey and I on our first trip to an amusement park. Kings Island was in just it's fourth season and
had only three coasters. We rode them all. Little did anyone know what a crazed fan I would become.
Adventure Express
The best mine ride of them all. Terrain coaster! Great theming and a long ride (two lifts). |
Big elements and big thrills. This ride packs lots of sustained G-force, especially in the second half. The forces only let up
for a brief moment as the coaster dives into the valley and once again while it rotates through the barrel-roll before pushing you back into
your seat for the final helix. The best B&M invert ever! |
I'm glad to say that I was one of those people to have been able to ride Bat before it's premature end. No dips or airtime, but
plenty of twists and turns. I remember just when I had though I had become accustomed to the turns and began to relax suddenly there
was unexpected turn. Fun! |
Bavarian Beetle
I only rode this coaster once and I don't remember much about it. What I do remember is the smooth, fast helix. I'm sure I
was scared to death. But I think deep down inside I loved it. |
B&M perfection that combines lots of airtime hills into a terrain coaster through the woods. |
Face Off/Invertigo
It's a new twist on the standard Vekoma boomerang. But it still doesn't answer the lingering question ...is it three or six
inversions? |
Flight of Fear
Great theming plus a dark ride plus a launch equals a truly great ride. It's a blast. I even enjoy the que. Love that
UFO. |
Great Pumpkin Coaster
For years I wasn't able to ride this kiddie coaster because I didn't have a kid to ride with me. Finally, in 2013 I rode with
Xander to get my credit. |
Italian Job Stunt Track/Backlot Stunt Coaster
This is a great themed ride. Unique. Fast. I like it. |
King Cobra
The first time I had ever ridden a standup coaster I kept thinking that I should have tightened my show laces more. The loop was
a no-brainer, every standup has to have one. The high banked helix and lean-over were great elements. I miss King Cobra. |
Mystic Timbers
This GCI coaster is the perfect woodie addition to the park. Twists, turns, trick-track and lots of quick pops of airtime. I
would have never imagined that they could have fit any coaster in and around White Water Canyon like they have. The perfect GCI. |
A B&M Giga with a variety of elements. The queue and station are packed with themeing and easter eggs. |
Racer was my first wooden coaster. A rough ride that I'm trying to love more and more. The white monster is a beauty. |
Rugrats Runaway Reptar/Woodstock's Air Rail
A fun family coaster. |
Scooby Doo/Beastie/Fairly Odd Coaster/Woodstock Express
I have riden this coaster in all four of it's personifications. Good family coaster. Nice layout. |
Scooby's Ghoster Coaster
This coaster is had the most gentle ride ever. Too gentle. One long downhill slope with a few sweeping turns. It's not
hard to see why they removed it. |
Screamin' Demon
This was my first shuttle coaster. I remember it being a lot higher that it appears in the photos. Too bad it's not around
any longer for me to ride again and see for myself. |
Snoopy's Soap Box Racers
This is my first family boomerang cosater. From Vekoma, this is a good family coaster with a comfortable and roomy
train making it the perfect ride for kids and parents to enjoy together. |
Son of Beast
Very rough. This is the only coaster to ever give me a headache. And now that they have replaced the trains and removed the
loop, I have ridden it again and I like it a bit more. Although it is still the roughest coaster I have even been on. |
The Beast
This is the coaster that made me fall in love with all coasters. It scared the crap out of me. So much so, that the first
time I was on it I didn't realize there was a turn at the bottom of the first hill. So the second time I rode I had another
surprise. I've fallen back in love with this coaster again and again. |
Top Gun/Flight Deck/The Bat
The very best suspended coaster. Fast. Good drops. Good G-forces. |
The largest Arrow coaster I've ever been on. Fast and six inversions. If I remember correctly, Vortex was the first coaster
I saw that offered on-ride photo. Every single black & white picture was printed and them places on clipboards. Can you say
global warming? |
Geauga Lake
June 9th 2004 was my first visit to this grand park with over a hundred years of tradition. 2007 was very likely my final visit,
now that the rides have been removed and the park has become exclusively a water park. Most of the coasters were walk-ons or
had very short lines every time I visited. When you consider the price of admission, number of coasters and the short lines, I think
Geauga Lake was the very best value in amusement parks.
Beaver Land Mine Ride
This is a nice family coaster with a double figure eight payout. It's a good coaster for first-timers. Plus you get to do
two laps. Yay! |
Big Dipper
This wooden classic - the oldest roller coaster in Ohio - has a simple out and back layout. For a medium sized woodie it's a bit
on the rough side. I love the classic trains though. |
My fifth favorite roller coaster also has my favorite loop. It seems like forever reaching the top of that loop. Great
airtime. Dominator was also my first floorless coaster. A must ride! |
Double Loop
This Arrow coaster has a straight forward design ...drop, hill, two consecutive loops and a helix. A fun ride. This was
Sarah's very first coaster. |
Head Spin
Three inversions you get twice. Once forward and once in reverse. With a little roughness thrown in just for good
measure. |
Raging Wolf Bobs
Twisted design, lots of great turns, rough and fun. |
Steel Venom
Launch coasters are always an adrenaline rush. Steel Venom didn't disappoint. I actually prefer it's rear spike with it's
brakes over Wicked Twister's twisting spike. I'm sorry to see it go. |
Lots of action in a small space. A thrilling drop, five inversions, banked turns and great G-forces. Thunderhawk was my
first Vekoma coaster. |
This is the first coaster I've seen with a wooden track and a steel stucture. Villian is big, fast and rough. It has only
the second lean-over I've seen. It happens so fast it's actually very rough. |
My first flying coaster was a blast! It's like nothing else I've ever ridden. What is my favorite
element? Horseshoe. Dual in-line twists. Helix. I'm not sure. My only request would be ...more flying and
less lying. |
Some friends, Sarah and I visited this traditional park on August 3rd 2004. This old classic park is filled with beautiful
fountains, green trees and great rides. The park is a truly timeless and enduring.
A classic dark-ride on steroids! And as if this weren't enough ...spinning cars too! Very original theming. A power
plant over-run with rats. |
Jack Rabbit
This smooth woodie has a simple oval layout with a great double-down. A fun ride for all. It's oldest coaster I've ever
ridden (1921). |
Phantom's Revenge
The first drop is huge. The second drop is ...well, huger. This is a great twisting Arrow hyper coaster. In spite of
all the great things this coaster has and it's impressive size, for some reason it just doesn't seem to be bigger than Magnum at CP. |
Great ride and great design. A fun ride and not very rough at all. Am I the only person that knows the meaning of the word
'Mobius'? |
Sky Rocket
Great launch, great airtime, great elements and two great cliffhangers. This ride is so quiet. I do see how some say the
second half is boring, but I still like it. |
Steel Curtain
A hyper-coaster with countless inversion. Seriously, is it 8 or 9 inversions? The coaster geeks can't
decide. Either way it's the most in the United States. With all of the twists, turns and inversions in
such a compact space, S&S Sansei Technologies has build a smooth coaster without any jerky or uncomfortable
transitions. Themed to the Pittsburgh Steelers' nickname for their defensive line during the 1970s. |
I had my eyes closed for the entire ride. Not because I was scared or anything like that. But because of the pounding rain
that hit just as we left the station. So now I don't have much of an opinion on this coaster. I get the feeling it's a great
ride. And I don't seem to remember that it was too rough. I'll give it a thumbs up anyway. |
Kings Dominion
Sarah and I had two consecutive days of fun and coasters in Virginia. We had great weather on June 4 & 5, 2007 for our extended
road trip. Great park ...great rides, lots of trees, good design and layout, great themed areas and a great water park too. Tomb
Raider: Firefall was a truly great surprise! Flames bursting up through pools of water! It is as much fun to watch as it is to
What a great first drop into the underwater tunnel. Multiple inversions and a variety of elements... gotta love all that. There
was a surprisingly rough spot in the middle of the spaghetti bowl that caught me off guard. I could ride it again and again. |
A fun ride. Only my second bobsled coaster ever. The new theming is much better. |
Flight of Fear
Great theming plus a dark ride plus a launch equals a truly great ride. It's a blast. I even enjoy the que. Love that
UFO. |
The great wooded setting was reminiscent of The Beast at Kings Island. Although it is a good ride, it lacks the thrills and speed
of The Beast. It does rival The Beast with it's roughness. |
Theming sucks. The high-speed, high-banked turns were surprisingly not as rough as I thought it might be. Different
design. Fun ride. |
Hypersonic XLC
Great launch and first hill! The rest of the short ride was bouncing side to side. I was really looking forward to a great
smooth ride on the pneumatic wheels. This is the only coaster in America that I know of that has them. Apparently it was only
a good idea on paper and not in the real world. |
Intimidator 305
Great theme, lift hill and first drop! The second hill did not produce the air time I was dreaming it might. The rest of the
ride is pure speed. Twists and changes in direction along with the less-than-perfect over-the-shoulder restaints make for a lot of
handbanging. |
Italian Job Turbo Coaster/Backlot Stunt Coaster
It has a great launch, theme, effects and pyro just like the ones at Kings Island and Canada's Wonderland. |
Rebel Yell/Racer 75
Fast. Good airtime. Not too rough. |
Ricochet/Apple Zapple
Yet another wild mouse. These coasters all seem to be about the same. But I would have to say this is the best. Only
because of it's unusual layout. Not like all the other wild mice I've been on. |
Scooby-Doo's Ghoster Coaster
John Allen's family coasters are always fun. What more can I say? |
I was really looking forward to this ride. Hoping to relive my memories of King Cobra at Kings Island. It didn't
disappoint. Although it is missing the "lean-over" maneuver. Brakes! |
This was a first of its kind experience for me. A S&S 4D spin coaster. I feel the 4D part of the
title is dubious, as it has no left or right turns. It's a wing coaster. Each lap on this ride is
unique. And it feels more like a thrill ride than a roller coaster. |
Twisted Timbers
A great RMC conversion of Hurler. Lots of twisted and turns. Three inversions. The back stretch
features three back-to-back hills full of hard ejector airtime. Great theming. |
Volano, The Blast Coaster
Fast with great inversions. The blast out of the top of the volcano is fantastic.
Very unique layout and heavily themed which adds to the ride. Two thumbs up! |
On June 6 & 7th, 2007 Sarah and I continued our coaster marathon. The North Carolina - South Carolina state lines runs through the
center of this great park. We returned June 13 & 14th, 2010 to ride the new Intimidator. Great fun in the deep south.
BORG Assimilator/Nighthawk
Love flying coasters. Assimilator felt a good bit roughter than X-Flight at Geauga Lake and definately had longer load times with
it's single loading platform. I still had a great flight. |
Carolina Cyclone
A good arrow looper. But like so many of these from the 1980's, not long enough. |
Carolina Goldrusher
Good theming, but seemed as if it was all lifts and very little ride time. |
Copperhead Strike
Great theming, forceful pops of airtime, amazing hangtime, lots of quick transitions and a truly great restaint and buckle
design. Better than Maverick. |
Fairly Odd Coaster/Woodstock Express
Just like the family woodies at Kings Island and Kings Dominion. |
Flying Super Saturator
Major fun! Dropping water on the people below, while being hit with water cannons, water guns and waterfalls. I'm surprised
that there aren't more of thses coasters around. Either at amusement parks or at water parks. |
Fury 325
This was my first B&M Gigacoaster. Big, fast, smooth, great elements, twists, turns and my new number one coaster!
Non-stop thrills right up to the very end. |
Just like it's twin I rode the day before at Kings Dominion in Virginia. |
Another winner from B&M. Fast. Smooth. Tons of airtime. |
What can I say? Another wild mouse coaster. |
Rugrats Runaway Reptar/Flying Ace Aerial Chase
A fun family coaster. |
Thunder Road
Good airtime. Fast. Not too rough. |
Top Gun - The Jet Coaster/ Afterburn
One of the best coasters I've ever been on. Smooth. Fast. G-forces. Great
elements. Tunnel. Mist. No mid-course brake run. Great fun. |
Possibly the best standup coaster I've been on. Vortex doesn't try to over do it with too many twists or crazy elements. Very
long load time. The Intamin standup seats are not as good as B&M's. |
Canada's Wonderland
On June 11 & 12th, 2008 Sarah and I continued our quest for more coasters. Located in Toronto, Ontario, this beautiful theme park has
a great collection of rides. Only Cedar Point has more roller coasters. Great fun in the great white north.
Backlot Stunt Coaster
It has a great launch, theme, effects and pyro. But it could use a better name though. |
Yet another Vekoma shuttle. Still fun to ride. |
The second best coaster I have ever been on. A great first drop, a ton of perfect airtime hills, very fast and so very smooth.
I Love it. It alone is worth the price of admission. |
Dragon Fire
It has the same elements as Carolina Cyclone (double loop, double corkscrew and helix), but it just seems like a much better ride. |
Flight Deck
It's the best themed inverted Vekoma I've ridden. A better name would do wonders too. |
A good wild mouse ride, just like Ricohet at Kings Dominion. This one has a beautiful setting amongst the trees. |
Mighty Canadian Minebuster
The best woodie in the park. Good layout and airtime. The G-forces aren't out of control, the helix is good and it's not too
rough. |
Scooby's Gasping Ghoster Coaster
A copy of the family wood coaster I've ridden at several other parks. Always a fun ride. |
Silver Streak
A fun family inverted coaster. |
I was looking forward to riding this coaster because it is an exact copy of the now defunct King Cobra at Kings Island. It was fun
reliving those old memories of my first standup coaster. |
Thunder Run
A good surprise. A family coaster built mostly inside a manmade mountain. It was my first powered coaster ever. The
twists and turn in the darkened tunnels with flashing lights really make the most of this small coaster making it a fun and unique
experience. |
Time Warp
It has a unique loading station and spiral lift. But that's about the only good things I can say about this coaster. I don't
like the restraint system and the ride is rough and way too short. |
This coaster has the same design as Flight Deck at Kings Island, but has a more beautiful setting. The green grass, the pond and
Wonder Mountain. Great ride as well. High-G's and good speed. |
Wild Beast
The same design as Grizzly at Kings Dominion. And just as rough too. It's an OK ride. |
Indiana Beach
On June 12th, 2009 Sarah and I added five more coasters to our lists. Located on the shores of Lake Shafer in Monticello,
Indiana, this compact park with lots of retro charm, a nice collection of rides and a great boardwalk. We both made a
return visit on May 12, 2024 and scored three more coaster credits.
All American Triple Loop
During the first drop it was immediately clear that this was definitely a headbanger. Throughout the entire ride I was
constantly being beaten by the terrible restraints. Riding defensively made very little difference. This was a
rough ride from start to finish and only the loops being somewhat a little smoother. This is definitely the worst
coaster in the park. |
Cornball Express
This twisting wooden coaster packs quite a wallop for it's size. Built entirely above the midway and kiddie rides, this thrill ride has a great helix near the end. |
At the time I rode this coaster in 2024, I thought is was Galaxi that I rode in 2009 simply with a new name. But it
turned out to be an entirely different coast, although the same model. So it counts as a new coaster credit. |
This coaster has some amazing airtime, especially in the back seats. I was really looking forward to riding this coaster because it
is an exact copy of Bavarian Beetle that was once at Kings Island. Great fun. |
Hoosier Hurricane
The coaster travels nearly the length of this small park, has a lot of great airtime, a smooth ride and is beautiful to look at too. |
Lost Coaster of Superstition Mountain
Everything about this coaster is unique; lift, seating arrangement, layout, trains, and track. It's a mix of dark ride,
wooden coaster, wild mouse and family ride. Twisting outdoor track with pops of airtime and themed dark passages inside
a mountain with fast dips and hairpin turns. |
Steel Hawg
This conpact steel S&S coaster has some great elemnts, including a 111 degree drop and a drive loop with great hang time. |
This was the first coaster I've ever been on that features in-line seating. Quick, high speed turns and a smooth ride. |
Luna Park at Coney Island
Sarah and I traveled to New York City to visit Luna Park on June 10, 2011. This small park in Brooklyn operates the world famous
Cyclone at the ajoining former Astroland site.
This classic coaster was on my bucket list for a long time. The iconic coaster with unique trains was a joy to ride. |
Quassy Amusement Park
My trip through New England continued with a a stop at this small family park on August 9, 2012. This was my first visit to
this lakeside park in Middlebury, Connecticut.
Wooden Warrior
A great family coaster designed by The Gravity Group. It's the first coaster I've ridden with the new Timberliner trains from
Gravitykraft. I can't wait to see these new trains operate on a full-size roller coaster. |
Disney's Hollywood Studios
Sarah and I made our visit to this park on June 6, 2014. It's Disney magic in a movie studio setting.
Rock 'n' Roller Coaster
Sarah said it best, Flight of Fear with Aerosmith. Oh, it's better than Flight of Fear. Smoother and better themeing. |
Coney Island
I made my visit to this Cincinnati park on September 14, 2019 as the park plaaned to remove its rides and coaster at the
end of the season. This small beautiful park was full of old-time charm.
This Zyklon Galaxi is the portable type of coaster you will find at many state fairs. Bumpy and jerky with a couple pops of
airtime and a good helix. |
Pacific Park
I made my visit to this park the Santa Monica Pier in California on September 16, 2021 with Shawn. This oceanfront
amusement park looks directly out on the Pacific Ocean, in the direction of Catalina Island. It is the only
amusement park on the West Coast of the United States located on a pier and LA's only admission-free park.
West Coaster
This is the perfect coaster for this family park. And for 2021 this Morgan coaster debuted a new Route-66
theme, with road signs and gas pumps inside the station, and trains by Chance Rides that are themed to a 57' Chevy
Roadster. Bonus: each ride is two laps. |
Six Flags Magic Mountain
I made my visit to this Valencia, California park on September 17, 2021 along with my friend Shawn. This is the flagship
in the Six Flags family and claims itself to be The Thrill Capital of the World.
Wild and rough woodie. A twisting creation from Great Coasters International and featuring a distinctive
station fly-through. |
Batman The Ride
This is a clone of the first B&M Invert build at Six Flags Great America in Gurnee, Illinois. Five inversions
and gritty Gotham theming. |
Full Throttle
This coaster has a very unique feature with a loop on the inside topped with a hill on the outside. An
imaginative layout from Premier Rides that also features both an LSM Launch and a multi-pass LSM Launch. |
Gold Rusher
This coaster opened with the park in 1971. A custom mine train coaster from Arrow Dynamics with a layout
that carves into the park's hilltop. Two tunnels and two chain lifts. |
One of only two Giovanola coasters in the United States. Somewhat unusual for a modern steel coaster, it
uses trains with three row per car. This hyper coaster does not have the more common out and back layout design,
but rather uses a twisted layout. |
New Revolution
This coaster made history when it was opened in 1976 with the introduction of the first successful vertical
loop. I was impressed with the complete layout of this cosater, as most other steel coaster from this
era had very short layouts. As for the world first vertical loop, they nailed it. Smooth. No
whiplash. |
The fifth of ten Arrow suspended coasters ever built. The coaster weaves round the terrain, structures
and other rides Like many of the other suspended Arrow coaster, it has two chain lifes. However,
these are just before and just after the station and there is no mid-course brake run, so this rushes non-stop
from first drop to the final brakes. |
Riddler's Revenge
One of the best B&M stand-up coasters. A great long layout and a total of six inversions. It has
a smooth track and doesn't offer too much head banging. |
A great B&M floorless coaster built in a parking lot. I haven't found a floorless coaster that I don't truly
love. Seven inversions. |
Superman: Escape From Krypton
A legend in the roller coaster war. This is a one-trick pony. But what a hell of a trick
it is. 6.5 seconds of weightlessness. And the first coaster to go 100 miles per hour. |
An impressive hilltop layout as it maneuvers around several other rides and coasters. I wish there were
more flying coasters. |
Twisted Colossus
This diabolical RMC recreation of a previous giant wooden coaster is wild and... well, twisted. This was
the first coaster I've experienced with a extremely race Quasi Mobius layout. |
This giant Arrow loopper is a massive steel monster with seven inversion. And just enough of that classic
Arrow roughness. |
I've been waiting to ride this ground-breaking coaster since it debuted in 2002. This is the first fourth
dimension coaster I've ever riden. This was a great ride. I would love to see this concept refined even
further or perhaps a version deigned by B&M. |
Alton Towers
Sarah and I visited to this unique and beautiful park on June 15, 2023. Located in the West Midlands region
of England and touts itself as Britain's Greatest Escape.
Bolliger & Mabillard's first flying roller coaster. With a combined two inversions and flys low to the
ground giving riders a greater sense of speed. |
The world's first dive coaster. Like many coasters at this park, this B&M creation has a unique
setting. A 87.5 degree drop and no inversions. It's a one trick pony. |
This Intamin hydraulic launch coaster accelerates from 0 to 61.1 mph in 2.5 seconds. The ride is
loosely-themed as an abandoned drag racer that is used to escape the Dark Forest. The ride has
potential, but is sadly far too short of a ride. |
Runaway Mine Train
A powered mine train roller coaster from Mack Rides. This is the oldest roller coaster in the
park. The ride runs alongside and shares a tunnel section with Congo River Rapids. The train
normally makes two circuits for each ride, although on quiet days it has been known to run for three or
more circuits. This coaster was a nice surprise and quite an enjoyable ride. |
This Gerstlauer coaster features 14 inversions, a world record. It has both a chain lift hill and
a vertical chain lift hill. With all of these twists, turns and inversion, you might think the ride is
jerky or rough. But, it is actually quite smooth. This is my favorite coaster in the park. |
Spinball Whizzer
A great intermediate coaster from Maurer Rides with spinning cars. The theme is a giant pinball machine,
with the balls being the trains which are finished in metallic silver. Good fun. |
This very unique ride from Intamin features the world's first vertical freefall drop on a roller coaster,
on which the track and train freefall approximately five meters in darkness. The ride has great themeing
throughout. The first portion of the ride is what you might think of most coasters, a booster wheel lift
hill and a coaster ride through the woods. Next, another booster wheel lift hill and more coaster
hills. Then the coaster comes to a stop in a darkened crypt for the vertical freefall drop. Next,
the train is launched backwards for the final journey back to the station. Truly a one of a kind
experience. |
Wicker Man
This twisting wooden coaster was created by Great Coasters International. The lift hill is unique in
that it changes angle as it ascends. It has great theming including a preshow in a wicker dome,
smoke-filled tunnels with fire-effect lighting. The compact layout passes through the large Wicker Man effigy
multiple times. This is a great woodie. |