Athens Block Party - 10/27/2018
This evening I went to Athens for the annual halloween block party. My costume this year was Frank from Donnie Darko. I
almost didn’t go. I tried to talk myself out of going because of the weather and I wasn’t really in the mood. But in the
end I was really glad I did go.

The response of the other people at the block party make it worth attending. Half of the reactions were people, usually women,
who were freaked out by the creepy rabbit face. The other half of the reaction were of people who genuinely recognized the
character from the movie. Most of those called out the name of the movie, while several called out Frank by name. I was
very satisfied to hear that people recognized Frank specifically.

There were a good many people who gave me fist bumps and high fives. Much more than I had expected. A few people asked me
to have their picture taken with me. As I was about to head home, I heard a voice asking have her picture taken with me and
without even looking, I agreed. She then said that she was Donnie Darko. It was then that I looked at her through the tiny
eye holes in my mask. Sure enough, she was wearing a skeleton print shirt and grey hoodie just like Jake Gyllenhaal in the
movie. It was a great moment to cap off the night.
Happy Halloween!
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