OU vs Ball State and French Visitors - 10/25/2018
This evening I met with Dad to attend the Bobcat football game against the Cardinals. Jenny and Julie also sat with us
to watch the game and see Sarah perform with the Marching 110. It was a chilly fall evening in the 40’s. Bundling
up and hot chocolate made it good night for football.

Ball State scored first but the Bobcats came back to trounce the Cardinals 52-14.
During the Marching 110’s post game show Assistant Director, Josh Boyer introduced the crowd to the band’s special guest,
the Helleu family from France.
In May of 2016, as Jenny and I accompanied the Marching 110 on its tour of France the, band gathered in front of the Eiffel
Tower in Paris and was met by the Helleu family, carrying handmade signs. The family, parents Olivier and Nathalie,
children Coline and Maël, had seen the band’s videos on YouTube and had become fans. Since that performance, the family
has stayed in contact with Josh and had decided to someday come to Athens to witness the Marching 110 perform on the band's
home field.
Both of the children have taken up playing musical instruments, and as special guests Josh asked them to join the band in
playing the fight song. Coline joined playing the trombone, while Maël conducted with a little guidance from Josh.

Olivier, Coline, Maël and Nathalie Helleu.

Coline Helleu.

Maël Helleu.

The Marching 110 and the Helleu family.
It was a great moment seeing our trip to Paris come full circle right back here to Athens.
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