Dave Coulier - 11/4/2017
This evening Sarah and I went to An Evening of Comedy Featuring Dave Coulier. The event was held at Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium and was part of Ohio University’s Dad’s Weekend.

The evening program began with special guest Becky Robinson. She scored bonus points and big laughs with her references to the Fun Barn.
The featured attraction of the evening was Dave Coulier, famous from his role as Joey Gladstone on Full House. But my earliest memories of Dave were from Nickelodeon’s Out of Control with his signature catchphrase was "Cut—it—out". He covered family issues, the money he makes from Full House, showing off his skills on the harmonica and how to deal with telemarketers using the voice of the devil.
Sarah and I both enjoyed the comedians and had a ton of laughs.
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