Family Cookout and Fireworks - 7/3/2011
Each year the cookout and fireworks gets bigger and bigger.

The adults played on their iPads and such. The kids played in the yard, slid down the hill on the slip-n-slide and splashed in the water and mud.
There was too much food. I didn't get to taste it all. There were too many people. I didn't know them all. And everyone
had a good time.

The weather was perfect, at least for us. There was a threat of thunderstorms during the evening, but they seemed to have moved around us.
After the fireworks we heard that areas north and east of us were hit hard with storms and hail. Dirk and Laurie weren't in any hurry to leave
because they had no power at their house.
Click here to see all the pictures of the fireworks.
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