CoasterMania 2011, Day 2 - 6/4/2011
Our second day of CosterMania began at 5:30am with ERT on Maverick and Millennium Force. ERT was also open on Mantis and Corkscrew.
After a few hours of riding we were ready for breakfast.
We headed to the very end of the point at eat at the Breakwater Cafe next to Sandcastle Suites. We had a variety of foods from the breakfast
buffet A beautiful location within walking distance from the park, reasonable prices and a fantastic view.

Next we were back in the park for more riding. We did have to head back to our room in The Breakers for a little mid-day nap.
At 2:00pm we were at the Point Pavilion for a complimentary lunch. On the way into the pavilion I saw Becca Baker from Cedar Point's On-Point
blog. I said hello and told her what a good job she was doing at her new job.

During the lunch we also picked up our complimentary T-shirts. They were a very nice black long-sheeve shirt.

Before long we were back to getting more laps on the coasters and the other rides. Once again the park was open to the general public until
10:00. Then we had ERT on Raptor, Blue Streak, Disaster Transport, Wicked Twister and maXair until midnight. There was also ERT scheduled
on WindSeeker from 11:00 to midnight, but the ride hasn't opened for the season yet. The park decided to replace the WindSeeker ERT with ride
time on Millennium Force, which was perfect for me since it's my favorite coaster of all.
This concluded my first ever CoasterMania, but it certainly wont be the last.
Tomorrow we'll wrap up our weekend at the point with a day of riding during the park's regular hours.
Click here for all the CoasterMania 2011 pictures.
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