Lincoln Memorial Centennial Celebration - 5/22/2022
This morning Sarah and I headed into Washington and to the Lincoln Memorial for a once in a lifetime event. It
was the Lincoln Memorial Centennial Celebration.

The memorial was dedicated in 1922, and today's festivities commemorates that event and rededicates the memorial
to reflect on Abraham Lincoln's continued importance in today's America and the expanding role the memorial has
played over its 100-year history.

Music was provided by the United States Marine Band "The President's Own" Brass Quintet. Presentation of
colors by the Armed Forces Color Guard from the Military District of Wasington. Some of the speakers included
Charles Sams III, Director of the National Park Service, Rev. Dr. Sarah Johnson, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church,
Harold Holzer, Chairman of The Lincoln Forum, Dr. Edna Greene Medford, Professor of History Emeritus at Howard
University, and Dr. Frank Smith Director of the African American Civil War Museum. Keynote address by Dr.
Charlotte Morris, President of Tuskegee University. And dramatic readings by screen and stage actor Stephen

At the conclusion of the celebration the crowd was invited to join the presenters on the steps of the memorial
for a group photo.

Photo credit for the portrait goes to Bruce Guthrie.
It was a beautiful day under the hot sun for the two-hour ceremony. I felt privileged to witness and be a
small part of history.
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