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Pictures #219

Tail of the Dragon, Tennessee and North Carolina - 6/24/2014

Sarah and I drove the 318 curves of the Tail of the Dragon.

Blog entry: Tail of the Dragon - 6/24/2014

Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon
Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon
Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon
Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon
Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon
Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon Tail of the Dragon

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Photos #12, #13 and #14 taken by 129photos.com

Copyright James Whitmore