Ohio University at Pittsburgh - 9/7/2019
I spent this week visiting Shawn in Pittsburgh and also attended the football game between the traveling Ohio University
Bobcats and the University of Pittsburgh Panthers.
With the start of the game at 11:00am, this was the earliest kickoff of any college game I’ve attended. Shawn and I made
our way to our seats high in the north end zone grandstands. The stadium was far below half full and it really felt like we
were in no man's land.

The OU Marching 110 was seated near the opposite end zone. I sent Sarah a short snapchat video of the stadium zooming in on
the 110. A few moments later Sarah sent me a similar snap zooming in on the section of the stadium where I was sitting. At
first I thought that she had one of her friends in or around the band make the video. I took out my good camera and zoomed in
on the around surrounding the 110. And there I saw Sarah sitting with her friends right next to the Marching 110.

I told Shawn that we should move down there and sit with Sarah and the band. So we did. What a great surprise seeing
Sarah unannounced. I think she may have learned these little stunts from me.

The Bobcats were defeated by the Panthers with a score of 20-10.

Click here to see my photos from the Ohio University at Pittsburgh game.
Sarah told me that she arrived in Pitt early this morning on an red-eye bus from DC. It was great seeing here again and
watching the Bobcats together.
After the game, Sarah and her friends spent the afternoon hanging out with each other, before Sarah headed back to DC on an overnight
bus. While Shawn and I joined Nick and friends for an evening of board games, food and drinks.
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