Moving Sarah to Washington, DC - 8/18/2019
This morning we departed on the long drive to Sarah’s new home in Washington, DC.
Jake rode with me in the U-Haul truck while Sarah rode with Julie in Alice’s Equinox. We left Nelsonville at about 8:20.

Around noon we stopped near Grantsville, Maryland for lunch and gas. It took almost 32 gallons and a cost of $84.83 to top off
the U-Haul. That comes out to be about 7 miles per gallon.
We arrived at Sarah’s apartment building in the Eckington neighborhood around 3:00pm. The total drive to DC was about 370 miles.
Sarah’s apartment building is The Gale Eckington. It is a modern five-story complex just over a mile north of the US Capitol

There was a loading dock large enough for a full semi tractor-trailer which was more than enough for us to unload our U-Haul. There
were also large carts that we were able to load multiple boxes and items into, which really made moving Sarah’s stuff up to her room much
faster and easier by vastly reducing the number of trips between the truck and her apartment.
We emptied the U-Haul were able to drop it off it by 6:00.

We spent the rest of the evening unboxing her stuff and grabbing a bite to eat at the nearby Moe's Southwest Grill.
Tomorrow we’ll say farewell to Sarah then Julie, Jake and I will head back to Ohio.
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