Homecoming Parade and OU vs Bowling Green - 10/20/2018
Today I headed to Athens to watch the OU homecoming parade and football game. This morning began with the homecoming
parade. This was my first time watching the parade and the first time in four years that I haven’t volunteered cooking
for the band’s tailgating.


Slade Denman, Dr. Richard Suk and Dr. Andrew Trachsel.
It was a great sight to see Sarah marching in the parade with the 110.

Nick Momenee.


The alumni band also put on a great show in the parade.

Jalyn Cosby.
Click here to see the pictures from the Homecoming Parade.
After the parade Julie and I headed to the tailgate for a bite to eat and a chance to sit for a while before the game. We
chatted with Sarah while she ate, before she headed back to her band duties. Mom arrived and soon it was time to head into
Peden Stadium for the game. It was a cool fall day with temperatures in the low 60’s, perfect for a good football game.

Bowling Green scored first, but the Bobcats came back and dominated the game to win 49-14. And the Alumni Band joined
the Marching 110 for the post game performance.

A great day of friends, fun, food, football and music.
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