Memphis Tennessee - 8/21/2017
Shawn and I made our way to Memphis, but first we made a quick detour across the Mississippi River into Arkansas. We ate at a truck stop buffet just off of the Interstate at the first exit into Arkansas. That’s one more state I can mark off my list.
We headed back across the Mississippi River into Memphis to check into our hotel.

The view from our hotel room.
It was a just a walk of a few blocks from our downtown hotel to Beale St., the heart of the Memphis music scene. The street was closed off to vehicles which made it convenient for everyone to journey between the bars, clubs, restaurants and shops. B.B. King’s Blues Club, Club Handy, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tin Roof and Ugly Coyote were just some of the clubs we saw along the three or four blocks we explored on Beale Street. We had couple of beers, listened to music and checked out the merchandise. In honor of the corona we witnessed earlier in the day with the solar eclipse, at Club 152 I drank a bottle of Corona. One great moment on the street was when one of the locals yelled at me, "Hey, tall white guy".

Click here to view all of my photos from Beale Street.
Tomorrow we’ll explore Memphis just a little more and then head on down to New Orleans.
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