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Blog #680

3.0 starsAnt-Man - 7/18/2015

Tonight Sarah and I went to Movies 10 in Nelsonville to see Ant-Man.  This is the next installment in the Marvel superhero universe.  The movie starred Paul Rudd, Michael Douglas, Evangeline Lilly and Michael Pena.

A con-man steals a suit that gives him the amazing ability to shrink in size and become the hero we was really meant to be.  Paul Rudd was born to play this character.

The movie is full of action and great effects.  There is also a lot of fun and wit in the story.

Michael Douglas is a great addition to the movie as the hero’s mentor.  Michael Pena does a good job in his role as the funny sidekick type.

A good action hero movie.  Go check it out.

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