EPCOT - 6/3/2014
Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow or EPCOT was our sole destination on our second day in Florida.
The day began for the band when we dropped them off in the backstage area of EPCOT. They spent the morning performing with the
Disney music instructors learning and playing Disney movie themes. The band did an film-score session in which they played the title
music for Aladdin following along with the film’s opening sequence. The Disney artists recorded this on a DVD for the band to keep.
In the meantime, Jenny and I and the rest of the chaperones began enjoying the adventures in the park. In the afternoon the band
joined us in the park for more fun in the sun.

Sarah and Me.
The level of theming in the park is just astounding. I was very impressed with everything in the park. The fact that there are
no roller coasters didn’t affect the amount of fun we had all day.
We took in the sights and sounds of the 360 degree films in China and Canada. Maelstom in Norway and Gran Fiesta Tour in Mexico were very
good. My nostalgia got the best of me when I wanted to go see Captain EO with Michael Jackson. We also rode Living with the Land,
Spaceship Earth and The Seas with Nemo and Friends. My most anticipated ride was Soarin. And it didn’t disappoint. Late in
the day we finished off with Mission: Space and Test Track. I was afraid that I might get sick on such an intense spinning ride like
Mission: Space, but I made it through fine. Test Track was my favorite ride of the day.

Nemo and Me.
Our day concluded as the entire band and chaperones gathered in Germany to watch the evening music, light, laser and fireworks spectacular
IllumiNations: Reflections of Earth lit up the skies over EPCOT’s World Showcase.
Click here to see my pictures from EPCOT.
We all enjoyed our magical day at EPCOT. Our adventure continues tomorrow at the Magic Kingdom.
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