Kings Island Announces The Bat - 10/29/2013
Today Kings Island announced on Facebook that Flight Deck will be renamed The Bat in 2014.

The park chose to break the news today as it is the 33rd anniversary of the announcement of the original Bat. The coaster will also
be repainted with orange track, two shades of charcoal for the supports and black will be featured on the trains.
Ever since the park made the fake web page showing The Bat as the name of their new 2014 roller coaster and then days later announcing that
it would in fact be named Banshee instead, there has been a rumor that Flight Deck would be renamed The Bat. I didn't give the rumor
much credit until I was at the park on October 12 and saw the old theming removed.
Now I have to wonder if Kings Island has any other surprises for 2014. Will Action Zone get rethemed and renamed? Will Invertigo
be renamed?
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