State Fair and Schmidt's Sausage Haus - 7/27/2013
Today Sarah and I attended to Ohio State Fair to submit Sarah's entry in the 4-H photography judging. We arrived early in the day
just as the gates to the fair opened. We registered Sarah into the competition and she submitted her work which also included being
interviewed by a judge.
Next we were off to explore the sights and sounds of the fair. We ate lunch and saw many of the displays. We watched some of
Sarah's friends in the baton and dance competitions. As a light rain fell throughout the afternoon we strolled along the midway to
look at the variety of carnival rides the fair had to offer. Several of the ride weren't like any that we had seen at the many
amusements parks we have visited. I had sure we I spent some time looking through the model rail road displays.
We headed back to the Rhodes Center for the announcements of the photography winners at four o'clock.

There were approximately forty other participants competing with Sarah in Level 2 Photography. Awards were given out in each of the
four levels, to the Best of Show and also to an additional 15 honorable mention for a total of 20 photos to be displayed at Ohio State
University campus.
After a long day at the fair, Sarah and I were ready for a good meal. I had seen the Schmidt's food stand at the fairgrounds and the
thought of their food was still on my mind. I have had Schmidt's cream puffs at several festivals and fairs over the years, but I've yet to
make it to their restaurant.
We made your way to Schmidt's Sausage Haus in the beautiful neighborhood of German Village. The rain had stopped and it had turned
into a great summer evening. We had to wait for well over an hour for a table. While we waited we visited a couple of shops

Once we were seated both Sarah and I chose the German Autobahn Buffet. The buffet included salad, several sausages, sauerkraut,
potato salad among other delicious German recipes like German sauerkraut and German potato salad. For dessert Sarah choose the famous
Schmidt's cream puff, while I decided to try something difference and chose the Apple Strudel.

It was a truly great meal to cap of our day.
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