Farewell Disaster Transport and Space Spiral - 7/26/2012
Today Sarah and I went to Cedar Point for a day of rides and fun. We also to this opportunity to bid farewell to Disaster
Transport and Space Spiral. The two rides are being removed to make room for a new ride opening next year.

Click here to see my photos of Disaster Transport.
In just three days Disaster Transport will give its final ride on Sunday, July 29th before demolition begins. Sarah and I enjoyed
our final lap in the dark this afternoon. Welcome to Alaska!

Click here to see my pictures of Space Spiral.
Space Spiral is scheduled to run until Labor Day. After that is had been said that it will be brought down quickly. We had our
final ride and took in the view.
Sarah and I spent the rest of the day enjoying the beautiful day at the park and getting in as many rides as possible. We timed our
dinner at T.G.I. Fridays perfectly with the passing thunderstorm.
During the evening we saw the new Luminosity show at Celebration Plaza. We were both very impressed with the music, lights,
lasers, fire, dancers and fireworks.
After the show the park closed and Sarah continued to enjoy the DJ at the Luminosity stage while I took advantage of ERT on Top Thrill
Dragster for an hour after closing. During the Platinum Pass ERT I was able to get in six laps on TTD.
Click here to see the rest of today's pictures from Cedar Point.
We enjoyed our day at Cedar Point. Now, some well earned rest at the hotel.
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