Hallowpalooza IV: Zombie Jamboree! - 10/26/2011
Tonight Mom, Crissy, Jake, Jenny, Kouree, Sarah and I went to Ohio University's Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium in Athens to see
Hallowpalooza IV: Zombie Jamboree!.

The concert featured the Ohio University Orchestra, African Ensemble, Jazz Ensemble and many of the individual sections of the orchestra.
And of course, each member was dressed in a wide array of costumes.
Some of the music was Overture to Die, Fledermaus, Die!, Flower Duet from Lakme, Music from Harry Potter and Pines of the Appian Way. The
sing-a-long this year was Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (your parent's version). One selection that got my attention was Cantina
Band (from Star Wars).
We all enjoyed our evening of music and fun.
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