Family Camping Trip to Mohican State Park - 7/10-15/2011
This week I spent six days camping with family at Mohican State Park near Loudonville, Ohio. Kelly, JR, Justin, Tommy, Andrea, Hannah, Colton,
Dad and Leah were there. Sarah joined us half way through the week after returning from her trip with Mom, Crissy and Jake to Virginia Beach and

During the week we swam at the pool, ate ice cream from the commissary, went tubing down the creek, visited with each other and ate a bunch of great
food. I think the camp food was the highlight of each day.
One day we went shopping and sightseeing through Amish country. I bought cinnamon rolls... huge cinnamon rolls.
On another day we went to Mohican Adventures just a short drive towards Loudonville to race each other on go-karts. I lucked out each time I
drove by getting one of the fastest cars on the track. Unfortunately one of the times I was placed in a field competing against complete
Thursday Sarah, Hannah and I drove around the state park and took in some sites. We visited the fire tower, the gorge outlook and the covered

Sarah and Hannah on the fire tower.

View from the gorge outlook.

Covered bridge.
On Friday we packed up and made the long drive back home. Back home to our running water and air conditioning.
Click here to see all of my photograths from this year's trip to Mohican State Park.
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