Cookout and Fireworks - 7/4/2010
Today Sarah and I were invited over to Dad and Leah's for a cookout and fireworks, along with friends and most of the extended family.
There were so many people there. A few of which I didn't know.

There were things going on all day long. Early on Eric Cain brought over a one hundred foot long sheet of white roofing material for a
slip-n-slide. I ran my garden hose over to the field and the kids had a wet and wild time all afternoon and evening.
We all had plenty of food to eat. Leah always cooks for an army.
At night fall Dad, Tommy, J.R. and Eric set off the fireworks. All the family and friends were gathered to watch. Alex and I
snapped as many pictures as we could. Near the end I joined the others in lighting the fireworks. Dad, Tommy, J.R. and I had
pitched in to buy so many fireworks they needed another pyromaniac to help out.
Click here to see all of my pictures of the cookout and fireworks.
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