Mohican State Park and Cedar Point - 6/30/2010
Today was our final day at Mohican State Park. The morning began with all of us packing up our stuff and heading to our separate
homes. Except Sarah and I. Since we were half way to Cedar Point, we thought we would just ride up to the park for a short
Click here to see my pictures from Mohican State Park.

Shoot the Rapids had just opened last Saturday, so we wanted to check it out. And since it was the new water ride and with the sun
out, we decided to make it an exclusive water ride day. We rode other two water rides in the parks as well; Thunder Canyon and Snake
River Falls. It was the first time in years that I have been on either of those two rides. We also rode Paddlewheel Excursions,
Sky Ride and Cedar Point and Lake Erie Railroad just to get around.
Check out all my pictures of Cedar Point's new water ride, Shoot the Rapids.

There was also a film crew at the park shooting a commercial for Shoot the Rapids. So be sure to look for us on television in the
near future.
Sarah and I didn't stay to late and made it home at a decent hour.
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