Kings Dominion Day Two - 6/16/2010
It would turn out to be a very interesting day for Sarah and I.
We started out the day with a short drive to Denny's for breakfast. On our way we were stopped by a set of railroad crossing gates.
The only problem was there was no train. A small group of bikers coming from the other direction were less patient.
They lifted the gates and drove under them. I waited a bit longer and the gates went up. The food and service at Denny's was
We drove back to the campground to catch the shuttle bus to the park. Once in the park we began our mission of fun and thrills.

Sarah standing by the fountains.

Me standing by the fountains.
During the day we managed to ride Flying Ace, Boo Blasters on Boo Hill, Americana, Avalanche, Dodgem, Blue Ridge Tollway, Eiffel Tower,
Shenandoah Lumber Company, El Dorado, Dominator, Backlot Stunt Coaster, Drop Tower, Flight of Fear, Grizzly, Hurler, Rebel Yell, Ricochet,
Crypt, and Volcano. I got solo laps on Shockwave and Anaconda. When we made our way to Intimidator 305 we noticed that they were
only running one train. What are they thinking? I couldn't believe how slow the line was moving.

Intimidator 305.
Click here to see all of my Intimidator 305 pictures.
For lunch Sarah and I rode the shuttle bus to Denny's. Sarah had a grilled chicken salad while I had lemon pepper grilled tilapia,
rice pilaf, a side salad and fresh fruit. All this, plus drinks with free refills of $26.63 (plus tip was $30.63). We also got
great service, good atmosphere and air conditioning at no extra charge. Compare that to the very average chicken strips that we got just
two days ago at Carowinds for $29.14.
In the afternoon we show the live show Signed, Sealed, Delivered in the Kings Dominion Theatre. It was a fun show and the air
conditioning was good too.
During the last few hours at the park we ran into a very special person. While we were waiting in line for Intimidator 305 we heard
over the loud speaker for all non-rides to please leave the loading platform. At first I didn't think anything of it. Then they
made the announcement a second time. I started to look around to see what was going on. Near the front of the train, on the unload
side on the platform was a woman in a red shirt just talking away with the riders on the coaster. The employees were busy checking
seatbelts. For a third time they asked the lady to exit the ride. Next she walked to the rear of the train and began talking with
riders again. After finishing the seatbelt check, an employee finally grabbed the woman by the arm and escorted her to the exit.
Crazy woman. Sarah and I shared a little laugh.
A short time later, in another area of the park, Sarah and I were riding the bumper cars when we heard the ride operator franticly
announcing for drivers to follow the arrows posted on the walls. I looked around quickly. I saw the woman in the red shirt racing
around in completely the wrong direction. It was like she was in her own little world. Crazy woman.
Later in the afternoon we were getting one of our last rides on Dominator. I noticed something strange. I grabbed Sarah and had
her face me. I said to her, "Look over my shoulder, it's the crazy woman." She was right behind us in line. For a moment I
thought about switching positions in line with some other rider so we would be on the same train as the woman in the red shirt and see what
craziness she would cause. In second thought lets not be on the ride at the same time as her just in case she actually does create some
At another time Sarah and I were taking in the views from the top of the Eiffel Tower. Sarah pointed out to me the woman in the red
shirt just a few feet away. At the moment she wasn't doing anything crazy. But just to be on the save side we got on the next
available elevator back down to ground level.
Near the end of the day we were winding down our day and was taking in the live show Pulse at the International Street Bandstand in
front of the Eiffel Tower. During the outdoor performance, park guests often walk in font of the stage. At the point in the show
when the singers come down in the audience at chat briefly, the woman in the red shirt walks past. The signer starts to talk with her.
What are the chances of that? Sarah and I were laughing so hard. It was the fifth time this afternoon we ran into this crazy
We wrapped up our great day at Kings Dominion and headed to the campground. But that wasn't the end of our adventures for the day.
During the evening we drove to the nearby Burger king for a quick meal. On the way to the restaurant the train crossing gates again
stopped us. And again, there was no train. After four or five minutes the gates opened and we continued on our way.
Once we got our food I sat at a table in the restaurant where I could watch the railroad crossing. Again, I watched the gates close
and open in about four or five minutes. Traffic was getting a bit heavier as the park was closing. The railroad crossing gates
closed again. This time I watch for over fifteen minutes and they were still closed. Traffic was backing up. It seemed
useless to get in the car and just sit in all that stopped traffic.
I decided I would try my chances with the railroad crossing. I made my way to the crossing using the side entrance for a motel and
turning left at a red light while everyone else just sat there. Once I was close to the crossing many of the other drivers had given
up and done u-turns and left. I went left of center across a concrete median and drove around the gates. As I drove away I could
see Police lights in my rear view mirror. I thought, "I hope their not coming after me". Luckily they were on the scene to direct
traffic and open the gates. It was more craziness to wrap up our day.
It was a beautiful day at the park full of fan and roller coaster thrills. And crazy encounters with the woman in the red shirt and a
train crossing. And tomorrow we'll have our long drive home.
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