Happy Birthday Crissy - 2/6/2010
Tonight I joined Mindy, Scott, Shawn, Greg and Derek at the Olive Garden in Lancaster to celebrate with Crissy for her birthday.
I ordered the Stuffed Chicken Marsala, Sutter Home White Zinfandel and Bellini Peach-Raspberry Iced Tea. Of course, the meal began
with salad and bread sticks. I don't know why, but everything tasted exceptionally good. I mean it was more than things just
tasteing good. Each item was just full of great flavor and very distinct from one another. The salad, bread, chicken, mashed
potatoes, mushrooms, tea and wine were each very pleasing. I just couldn't help but to savor each bite.
The conversation with our group was lively and we all had a bunch of laughs.
I was the only one at the table who wasn't complaining about the quality and attitude of our server. I thought she was doing a fine
job. Granted, she wasn't going above and beyond the call of duty, but I had no complaints. Have I become so used to poor service
that I now expect it as the norm or was the rest of my group just being bitches? Sorry, but I think they were just being bitches.

Greg, Scott, Mindy, Crissy, Me, Derek and Shawn.
After the restaurant we all picked up supplies at the Pit Stop and headed to Jenny and Justin's house in Jacksonville. Beers, shots
and laughs. Lesson learned: Derek should never throw darts like a major league baseball player.
Happy 31st Birthday Crissy.
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