Millennium Force ERT - 7/2/2009
This morning Sarah, Tommy and I headed out from Nelsonville for the long drive to Cedar Point and tonight's exclusive ride time on
Millennium Force.

Sarah was still too scared to try Top Thrill Dragster. But I did manage to talk Tommy into his first ride on it. The wait
in line was over an hour. When we were near the air gates about to board Tommy was staring at the ground and nervous as he could
be. The ride was a blast, as always. Tommy held on tight for dear live while I had my hand up for the whole ride. After
Tommy said it was a great ride but he would never do it again.

Throughout the rest of the day we rode Cedar Creek Mine Ride, Disaster Transport, Gemini, Iron Dragon, Magnum XL-200, Maverick,
Millennium Force, Raptor, Wicked Twister, maXair, Power Tower, Skyhawk, Paddlewheel Excursions, Sky Ride and Space Spiral.

In the afternoon we ate at Famous Dave's and then we left the park to go to the campground to setup our tents. We camped at the
Bayshore KOA on Cleveland Road not far from the entrance to Cedar Point.

When we came back to Cedar point we park near the front of the parking lot. The front portion of the parking lot along the beach
closest to Space Spiral was closed off with moveable metal fencing. The style that the park uses to make temporary queue and in the
mornings during Early Entry. The fence was marked with signs marked hardhat area. Once inside the park we rode Space Spiral.
On the ride I could see how large of an area was closed off. The started thinking of how large a roller coaster they would
build on this land. But in the back of my mind it didn't make sense. Cedar Point has already begun clearing land and moving
dirt on Millie Island for what most rumors are saying is the new ride for 2010. After a while I realized that the parking lot was
closed off for the July 4th fireworks this weekend. Now I feel stupid.
At dusk we headed to Frontier Trail to see the new Starlight Experience. We were looking forward to this all day. I thought
that the music could have been louder and a better selection. The animated LEDs were very static and need to be more dynamic.
But it was still very cool to see.

Next we went to the Iron Dragon midway for the Hot Summer Lights fire, video and light show. The night air was getting cool.
The fire felt good and warm.
The park was closing and time for what we all came for... an hour of ERT on Millennium Force. Tony from Cedar Point walked around
making sure everyone had his or her Platinum Pass. After they had finished with all of the regular riders Tony opening the line for
the passholders. All three of us rode together the first time. It was getting cold and Tommy didn't return to the line with Sarah
and I for our second ERT ride. Sarah and I decided to go for the front row. It was a blast riding in the cold, dark night.
That trip was enough for Sarah, so my last ride of the day was solo.
Again, another fantastic day at the world's best park and on the world's best coaster.
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