Cedar Point and Kennywood - 9/29/2023
My day started off fast with early entry at Cedar Point and three consecutive laps on Millennium Force on the
exact same train. I spent the morning getting many of the park's coasters.

In the early afternoon I left Cedar Point for the three hour drive to Pittsburgh for my second amusement park
adventure of the day at Kennywood.
I met Shawn and Brian at their house and from there we headed out together for Phantom Fall Fest at Kennywood.
The cool fall air was filled with screams, frights and fog as we rode Jack Rabbit, Racer, Thunderbolt and Phantom's
Revenge. Several times as we rode the coasters, we saw the moon rising above the Pennsylvania hills.

We braved some of the haunted houses and the screamsters throughout the park. A lot of the fun was watching
the screaming girls run away from the freaks and monsters.
One new experience that we all shared was a ride on Spinvasion. New for 2023, this thrilling spin ride is
the first multi-action spin ride of its kind in the United States.

It was a great experience with Shawn and Brian with perfect autumn weather, thrills and screams.
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