Goddard Space Flight Center - 8/13/2022
This afternoon Sarah and I went to the visitor center at Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland northeast
of Washington.

Named in recognition of American rocket propulsion pioneer Robert H. Goddard, it was established in 1959 as NASA's first
space flight center.
The center had many displays and exhibits showing off the programs they had accomplished. These include historical,
current and future projects. There was a theater showing continuous films highlighting the accomplishments of the earth
and space exploration.
Outside the visitor center there was an area with more displays including examples of the space centers rocketry

Beyond this area are the many buildings that make up the vast research center.

Sarah and I spent about an hour and a half exploring the visitor center and made a brief shopping visit in the gift
shop. We enjoyed our relaxing and educational visit at Goddard.
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