Dependable Drive In - 7/15/2022
There's nothing quite as quintessentially mid-century americana as a trip to the drive-in theater.  My best
guess is, the last time I saw a movie at a drive-in was in 1993 at the 33 Drive-In Theater in Nelsonville.  That
is according to my quick internet search that shows that it closed in September 1993.  And that sounds about
This evening while visiting Shawn in Pittsburgh we decided to go to the Dependable Drive-In and watch Thor: Love
and Thunder.  It is located west of Pittsburgh in Moon Township, just across the freeway from the Pittsburgh

They have four screens, of which they were using three this evening, which allowed them to show a total of six
movies tonight.  We found our spot to park the car and began to wait as dusk fell.  We stepped out of the
car and walked around the lot to take in the sights.

Can you stop by the concession stand for drinks and food, which were reasonably priced.

And then finally it was time for the movie to begin.  There were a couple of ads prior to the previews, which
brilliantly, were all for automobile related businesses.  There were a few trivia questions before the movie
and they were all drive-in related.  (New York has the most drive-in theaters with 49).  One of the things I
was curious about before coming to the theater was if the drive-in had upgraded to digital projection, which they
have.  The entire presentation was done quite well with a bright and crisp screen and the audio broadcast on FM
The movie starred Chris Hemsworth, Christian Bale, Tessa Thompson, Jaimie Alexander, Taika Waititi, Russell Crowe
and Natalie Portman.  It has a good story, fast-paced action and a good bit of comedy.  It's a worthy addition
to the MCU.
It was a fun, relaxing and memorable evening outside at the theater with Shawn.

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