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Blog #103

4 starsThe Dark Knight - 7/21/2008

Sarah and I went to Movies 10 this evening to see The Dark Knight.  It is the next installment in the Batman series, starring Christian Bale, Heather Ledger, Aaron Eckhart, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal, Gary Oldman and Morgan Freeman.

Christian Bale has matured in his portrayal of Batman.  Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman give their usual excellent performances.  But it is Heath Ledger that steals every scene he is in.  It is by far the best portrayal of any villain in a superhero film.  Ledger's performance is a masterpiece.

The story is in-depth, complex and very well written.  The visuals are perfect and the editing style is excellent.  The stunts and action sequences are top notch.  I can't say enough good things about the film.

The Dark Knight is the best superhero movie ever made.

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