Farewell Wicked Twister - 8/14/2021
With Cedar Point's recent announcement that Wicked Twister would be giving its final rides early next month, Sarah
and I took our final ride on this Intamin Impulse Coaster today while visiting the park.

Wicked Twister was designed by Intamin Amusement Rides and features two 215 foot tall vertical twists. The
coaster uses multiple LIM launches through the station to reach a top speed of 72 miles per hour. The single
train with 8 cars carries a total of 32 riders on an inverted steel track. Cedar Point opened the ride on May
5th 2002. According to the park's website, Wicked Twister has given more than 16 million rides. The
coaster's 20th and final season will come to an end on September 6th.

Click here to view all my photos of Wicked Twister.
I have always enjoyed this unique addition to the park's coaster lineup. Farewell Wicked Twister.
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