Caffeine study - 9/4/2007
A study out of Montgomery, Alabama stated that citrus sodas have more caffeine than colas.
My first reaction to this was, "No shit! - Isn't this what I've been told my whole life?" After this moment of disbelief
I regained my composure and found that the study also included an interesting list of the caffeine levels in popular soft drinks, as
well as tea and coffee.
Coca-Cola - 33.9 milligrams per 12 oz. can
Diet Pepsi - 36.7 milligrams
Pepsi - 38.9 milligrams
Dr. Pepper - 42.6 milligrams
Diet Dr. Pepper - 44.1 milligrams
Diet Coke - 46.3 milligrams
Mountain Dew - 54.8 milligrams
Diet Mountain Dew - 55.2 milligrams
Pepsi One - 57.1 milligrams
The same amount of coffee has 156 to 288 milligrams and tea has 35 to 135 milligrams.
The article also said that the Food and Drug Administration does not limit the amount of caffeine in foods. FDA said a 0.02
percent caffeine content is generally recognized as safe for cola-type beverages. For a 12-ounce soft drink, that's about 72
milligrams of caffeine.
Vault has 74 milligrams.
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