OSU Bands Night - 4/13/2014
Today Sarah and I attended OSU Bands Night at Ohio Stadium. The event was a great chance for the university to introduce its great music
programs to high school students, even those who do not intend to major in music.
First there was a concert on the field by the Spring Athletic Band.

Next we moved into the Steinbrenner Band Center within the horseshoe where we were introduced to the directors in the music department. Then
we had a pizza dinner.
We were then divided up into smaller group and given a tour of the horseshoe by the section leaders of the band. The tour passed thought
the band equipment room were the uniforms are stored. There was also an area were there was an informal collection of hats from other
universities that were traded for with visited bands.

Finally, the high school students with the section leaders playing along did a concert of school songs. No rehearsals, so basically the
high school students sight read an entire concert.

Sarah really enjoyed the day. And I was so proud to see my Sarah playing along with the Buckeyes at the horseshoe.
Click here to see more pictures from OSU Bands Night.
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