Sarah's New Car - 5/14/2013
After a month of looking, I finally bought Sarah a new car last Friday. Yesterday Derek deliveried the car from the dealership to
Jenny Adams' house. And today I presented it to her.
Sarah and I went to Burger King in Nelsonville to eat. Family had already begun to gather at Jenny's house. While we ate I texted
Jenny to let her know that It was time to bring Sarah's new car to the restaurant. I had given my extra keys to Jenny so she could replace
my Celica with the new car. Family followed Jenny and hid at the corner of the building.
When Sarah and I left the restaurant she could see that my Celica was gone. The new car was sitting in it's space and had a large red
ribbon on it. I asked Sarah where my car was and I motioned her in the right direction, but she wasn't sure what was going on.
Then I pressed the alarm botton on the remote and the horn sounded. Finally Sarah realized it was her new car. The rest of the family
who had been watching from a distance came over to join Sarah.

Sarah's car is a 2010 Ford Focus.

Sarah seems to be very happy with her new car.
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