Bully - 5/20/2012
This afternoon Sarah and I went to AMC Lennox 24 in Columbus to see Bully. This acclaimed documentary shows the abuse
endured by several victims of bullying and how schools are dealing (actually, not dealing) with the problem.
Each year there are an estimated 13 million bullying victims in America. Some suffer in silence, others act out and some commit
I expected to see victims and their families dealing with the abuse and its effects. And the film spends a lot of time showing
exactly that. What I didn't expect to see and what shocked me to see was the inaction by school officials to intervene in anyway.
They didn't little or nothing to limit, control and stop the bully. More often school officials spent more time blaming the
victims. Telling the victims to stay away from the bully, even implying that it was the victim's fault they were being targeted.
Bully is an important film that every teacher and school administrator must see.
This is a good movie. You should check it out.
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