Mohican State Park, Cheese, Fudge and Tubes - 6/28/2010
Today we all caravanned to nearby Amish country to shop for cheese, fudge, baked goods and crafts. It was very important that
we get this task out of the way soon, before Tommy drove us all crazy talking about his need for cheese. I don't get too excited over
cheese or fudge. I didn't see anything that I wanted to buy. The others were really into it all. I guess I don't see the
point of eating cheese that tastes like fudge and fudge that tastes like cheese. And to cover all the bases, we stopped at Walmart
where we picked up a bunch of tubes for the creek back at the campground.

We all started blowing up the tubes as soon as we got back to the campground. I wasn't really into the whole tubing thing.
Actually, I was trying to come up with a good story so I wouldn't have to do it. It was decided that the older kids and some adults
should go on the first tubing trip, to check out the creek, rocks, currents and see how kid friendly it was. The water was warm and
the creek wasn't too deep for the kids. I was afraid the water would be cold from the recent rains. Dad spent most of the
afternoon hauling us from one end of the creek to the other in his truck. We all had a blast. I'm glad I didn't wimp-out and
skipped it.
This evening we each had steak for dinner that we all brought with us. I'm not a big steak eater, but I always seem to enjoy it
when I do.
Click here to see my pictures from Mohican State Park.
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