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Blog #1173

Canon EOS 50M Mark II - 3/28/2024

It's hard to believe that my current camera is nearly 10 years old.  With the upcoming solar eclipse and the Columbus Airshow, I thought it was time to treat myself to a new camera.  Today it has arrived.  A Canon EOS 50M Mark II.

Canon EOS 50M Mark II

Sarah helped select this camera for me.  I told her that I usually spend three to five hundred dollars on each of my cameras, but somehow she talked me into spending twice that much, about $800 on this one.  Like two of my previous cameras, this one has a fold out view screen, but this time it is a touchscreen.  The most important feature I've always looked for on all of my cameras is the maximum amount of optical zoom, and this camera has the ability to use interchangeable lenses so I can always upgrade to different lenses.

I'm excited to start shooting with his camera, especially at the upcoming airshow.

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Copyright James Whitmore