Flight Home from London - 6/18/2023
Our long day began as we woke up at 4:00am. We cleaned up, gathered our luggage and checked out of the hotel
at 4:30.
Sarah and I rode the Piccadilly Line to Heathrow with one transfer along the way.

I followed Sarah to her terminal and we said our goodbyes at 5:50 as she checked in for her departure scheduled
for 7:45.
My departure was at a different terminal which required me to take a short trip on the Elizabeth Line. I had
several hours to wait until my flight departed, so I simply relaxed in the terminal and bought a breakfast sandwich
from Pret.

My plane departed the Heathrow gate seven minutes late at 9:57 and then sat on the taxiway for another twenty
minutes. My seven and a half hour flight to New York actually made up time and landed fifteen minutes ahead of
the scheduled 12:35pm and arrived at 12:20. Going through customs at JFK was super easy and fast. They
took my picture, asked if I was James, if I had food or gifts and I was done in ten seconds. No ID or passport
Then I had plenty of time to kill because my flight to Columbus wasn't due to leave for over five more hours at
6:33. I used this time to at least get a New York hot dog. And once again, they always put mustard on it
even when you request no mustard.
My flight departed JFK on schedule and just after takeoff I could see Manhattan out my window.

Sarah had already arrived ahead of me in Columbus and she was spending the extra time with Julie getting dinner and
doing some shopping. Once my plane landed at 8:33 they picked me up at the airport and we headed home.
It's been one of the best vacations ever.
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