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Blog #64

2.5 stars10,000 B.C. - 3/22/2008

Tonight I went with my movie mate Matt to see 10,000 B.C. at Movies 10 in Nelsonville.  An epic tale of a young mammoth hunter who becomes the leader of a primitive army to free his fellow tribe members.

The film starred Steven Strait and Camilla Belle.  Actually I don't know any of the actors in this film.  They all seem to have done a fine job.  The scenery, special effects, music, sound and action were all good.  The huge vistas of the construction of the great pyramids were especially breathtaking.  The story was actually better then I had expected.  My biggest complaint about the movie is that the characters spoke very good English and had really good teeth.

Overall, 10,000 B.C. was a good movie.  But not a great one.

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